Uncover Your Company’s Core Purpose For Meaningful Growth
On rare occasion in our careers, we are given the opportunity to make a huge difference. When you get that opportunity, act upon it and see immediate results…well, it just doesn’t get much better than that.
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If a picture is worth a thousand words, what’s a video worth?
I have jokingly justified video’s worth a few times, saying “if a picture is worth a thousand words then video must be worth 24,000 words a second.” Even though this is said just to get a rise out of my marketing and photography friends, it got me thinking about the real worth of video.
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Brand Refresh Wednesday: Southwest Airlines
Southwest Airlines just announced a full brand/identity refresh, by Lippencott. Overall it’s a nice improvement over the stale, 90’s feeling previous identity. At first the heart feels a bit disconnected and random but when you discover it harkens back to the original Southwest Airlines logo from 1967 it makes more sense and adds a nice touch of heritage.
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